Thursday, May 30, 2013

A.A. Read a thon!!!!

   Hey guys since i missed out on the Bout of Books read-a-thon and school is official done for me I really want to join this one so this event is hosted by missbookreader and Piper's Book Blog. The links will take you to their posts on the event with all the information on what is going on and will have the official updates there.
  The main information though is that the read a thon will last a month and your goal is to read more than what you would typically read in a month. Other than that no other rules are specified i.e. no requirements. The hosts asked to see what we will try to read and I am going to try to read at least 10 books on average I read 7-8 books a month so its an okay number to start off with.

The books I will for sure be reading are (in no order):

The Fellowship of the Ring By J.R.R. Tolkien

Lemonade Mouth Puckers Up By Mark Peter Hughes

The List by Siobhan Vivian

Dream Girl by Lauren Mechling

Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne

White Cat by Holly Black

So theses are the 6 books I am going to start with. All he books are from the library and was already checked out (finished 2 already) or I would of picked at least 10 books if I knew about the challenge before I went to the library. I will be going to the library though for sure again early to mid June to pick up more books. To make the challenge extra challenging for me my minimum goal is 10 I would really like to get 17 or higher and match how many books I read in January the most I have read in a month.

I will try to update and review some of the books as I go. I will also post a book haul of books when I get them so you can see the other books I am adding to my list for the readathon.

~Good Luck, Arya~


  1. That's so great! The Fellowship of the Ring is amazing! And I've been wanting to read The Boy in Striped Pajamas too!
